SQL Server Examples Part 2

-- ************************************************************************** 
-- * * 
-- * This functions returns the first non-null value of its arguments. * 
-- * When all arguments are null; null is returned. * 
-- ************************************************************************** 
exec spDeleteObj 't1', 3, 0      
create table t1    
 id int identity(1,1) not null,    
 cola int,    
 colb int,    
 colc int    
set nocount on    
insert into t1 values (1, null, null)    
insert into t1 values (null, 2, null)    
insert into t1 values (null, null, 3)    
insert into t1 values (null, null, null)    
set nocount off    
-- When none of the columns contains a value 999 is returned 
select cast(coalesce(cola, colb, colc, 999) as money) * 2 ColX from t1    
-- When all values are null the row is in the resultset 
select id from t1 where coalesce(cola, colb, colc) IS NULL   
-- ************************************************************************** 
-- * GROUP BY and HAVING clause * 
-- * * 
-- * Table "Customer" and table "Region" * 
-- * - a customer belongs to 1 region. A region has 0 or more customersn * 
-- * * 
-- * Only the column on which is grouped can be in the selectlist. All other* 
-- * columns in the selectlist must have a aggregate function. * 
-- ************************************************************************** 
exec spDeleteObj 'Customer', 3, 0    
exec spDeleteObj 'Region', 3, 0    
create table Region    
  RegionId   int identity(1,1) not null,    
  RegionName  varchar(30) not null    
  constraint pk_region primary key clustered (RegionId)    
set nocount on    
insert into region (RegionName) values ('friesland')    
insert into region (RegionName) values ('groningen')    
set nocount off    
create table Customer    
  CustomerId   int identity(1,1) not null,    
  CustomerName  varchar(30) not null,    
  CustomerAmount  int not null,    
  CustomerRegion  int not null    
  constraint fk_region foreign key (CustomerRegion) references region(RegionId)    
set nocount on    
insert into Customer (CustomerName, CustomerAmount, CustomerRegion) values ('a', 1, 1)    
insert into Customer (CustomerName, CustomerAmount, CustomerRegion) values ('b', 2, 1)    
insert into Customer (CustomerName, CustomerAmount, CustomerRegion) values ('c', 3, 1)    
insert into Customer (CustomerName, CustomerAmount, CustomerRegion) values ('a', 4, 2)    
insert into Customer (CustomerName, CustomerAmount, CustomerRegion) values ('b', 5, 2)    
insert into Customer (CustomerName, CustomerAmount, CustomerRegion) values ('c', 6, 2)    
set nocount off  
  sum(CustomerAmount) as Total    
  Customer inner join region on Customer.CustomerRegion = region.RegionId    
group by   
  sum(CustomerAmount) as total     
   Customer inner join region on Customer.CustomerRegion = region.RegionId    
group by    
   sum(CustomerAmount) > 7
-- ***************************************************************************************** 
-- * Tables, pages and extends: 
-- * - Max rowsize is 8060 bytes 
-- * - Max key length is 900 bytes 
-- * 
-- * - 1 page = 8 Kb = 8192 bytes 
-- * - 1 extend = 8 pages = 8 * 8 = 64 Kb = 123136 bytes 
-- * 
-- * - Table contig has a rowsize of 900 + 7135 = 8060 bytes. So every row is 1 page. 
-- * When we insert the first row 1 page (on the first extend is allocated). 
-- * DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'contig' table... 
-- * Table: 'contig' (1461580245); index ID: 1, database ID: 8 
-- * TABLE level scan performed. 
-- * - Pages Scanned................................: 1 
-- * - Extents Scanned..............................: 1 
-- * .... 
-- ***************************************************************************************** 
exec spDeleteObj 'contig', 3, 0    
create table contig    
  id int identity(1,1) not null,   
  keyval char(900),   
  long1 char(7135)  
create clustered index c_id on contig(keyval)   
set nocount on  
insert into contig values ('1', '1')   
set nocount off  
dbcc showcontig(contig)

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