-- **************************************************************************** -- * spDeleteObj: Procedure for deleting an object from the database. * -- * - @objName - The object to delete * -- * - @objType - The type of the object * -- * - 3 = table * -- * - 4 = procedure * -- * - @verbose - 1 show status message; 0 do not show messages * -- **************************************************************************** if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('spDeleteObj') and sysstat & 0xf = 4) begin DROP procedure spDeleteObj end go create procedure spDeleteObj(@objName varchar(50), @objType int, @verbose bit) as declare @objTypeName varchar(20) if (@objType = 4) begin set @objTypeName = 'procedure' end else if (@objType = 3) begin set @objTypeName = 'table' end if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(@objName) and sysstat & 0xf = @objType) begin exec('drop ' + @objTypeName + ' ' + @objName) if (@verbose = 1) begin raiserror('%s %s deleted.', 0, 1, @objTypeName, @objName) end end else if (@verbose = 1) begin raiserror('%s %s does not exist....', 0, 1, @objTypeName, @objName) end go-- **************************************************************************** -- * spParseXML: Example procedure for parsing XML with a stored procedure * -- * - @xmlDocument - the contents of the XML document * -- * In the select statement we search for '/root/Category/Product'. Once * -- * found we are on the product level. To retrieve the Category data we have * -- * to move one level back; that is why we use the two dots and the forward * -- * slash. * -- **************************************************************************** exec spDeleteObj 'spParseXML', 4, 0 go create procedure spParseXML(@xmlDocument varchar(1000)) as declare @docHandle int exec sp_xml_preparedocument @docHandle output, @xmlDocument select * from openxml(@docHandle, '/root/Category/Product', 1) with (categoryid int '../@CategoryId', productid int '@ProductId', categoryname varchar(50) '../@CategoryName', description varchar(50) '@Description') exec sp_xml_removedocument @dochandle go DECLARE @xmlDoc VARCHAR(8000) SET @xmlDoc = '<root> <Category CategoryId="1" CategoryName="General Books"> <Product ProductId="1" Description="Cooking for you" /> </Category> <Category CategoryId="1" CategoryName="General Books"> <Product ProductId="2" Description="Cooking for you" /> </Category> <Category CategoryId="1" CategoryName="General Books"> <Product ProductId="3" Description="Cooking for you" /> </Category> <Category CategoryId="2" CategoryName="Special books"> <Product ProductId="4" Description="Cooking for you" /> </Category> </root>' exec spParseXML @xmlDoc go-- **************************************************************************** -- * SELECT TOP <x> WITH TIES * FROM <table> * -- * * -- * See example below (table "tiesExample") * -- * Because we specify that we want the TOP 5 rows we expect no more then * -- * 5 rows. BUT: we also specified WITH TIES. Because row 6 in the table * -- * (according to the sortorder!) has the same value (a tie) as row 5 it * -- * is also returned in the resultset. * -- **************************************************************************** exec spDeleteObj 'tiesExample', 3, 0 go create table tiesExample ( id int, price int ) set nocount on insert into tiesExample values (1, 20) insert into tiesExample values (2, 30) insert into tiesExample values (3, 40) insert into tiesExample values (4, 50) insert into tiesExample values (5, 60) insert into tiesExample values (6, 60) set nocount off select top 5 with ties * from tiesExample order by price asc
SQL Server Examples Part 1
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