For local website development it is usefull to add your domain-name to your local hosts file.
When doing this you have to be sure that this name does not get resolved by the default gateway. Execute the following steps to be able to navigate to test.yourdomain.tld in your browser:
1. Edit your /etc/hosts file and add a line:
192.168.x.x test.yourdomain.tld
2. Start the gnome dconf-editor tool and navigate to “System -> Proxy”. Add the domain test.yourdomain.tld to the list of ignore-hosts.
3. Logoff and logon again for this settings to take effect.
Check that your settings are updated with the following command in a terminal:
$:>env | grep proxy
The domain should show up at the no_proxy= entry.
If everything is ok you can navigate in your browser to test.yourdomain.tld.